Database of Analysed Game of Life Patterns

In this document we are recording the Game of Life patterns that have already been clasified:

  1. Block
  2. Queen Bee
  3. B-Heptomino
  4. Eater 1
  5. Traffic Light
  6. Three Quarters Traffic Light Catalyst
  7. Queen Bee Shuttle
  8. Twin Bees Shuttle
  9. P46 Oscillator
  10. LW Emulator
  11. Gosper Glider Gun/ P30 Glider Gun
  12. P46 Glider Gun
  13. P60 Glider Gun
  14. P30 LWSS Gun
  15. P60 LWSS Gun
  16. NOT Gate
  17. NOT Gate(LWSS)
  18. AND Gate
  19. AND Gate(LWSS)
  20. OR Gate
  21. OR Gate(LWSS)
  22. XOR Gate(LWSS)
  23. Crossover
  24. Crossover(LWSS)
  25. Rotator
  26. Rotator(LWSS)
  27. Duplicator
  28. Duplicator(LWSS)
  29. Adaptator
  30. Four Bit Adder
  31. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
  32. Latch
  33. Latch(LWSS)
  34. Flip-Flop
  35. Flip-Flop(LWSS)
  36. Memory Unit
  37. 7 Segment Display
  38. 7 Segment Display(LWSS)
  39. Program(Static Memory)
  40. 8-Bit Computer

ToDo: A more descriptive database with patterns and its technological components: Principle, Architecture, Phenomenon and Subtechnologies.

Keith Y. Patarroyo
Keith Y. Patarroyo
Researcher Engineer on Chemical Evolution, Digital Chemistry and Unconventional Computation

My research interests include Hierarchical Assembly, Chemical Evolution and Material Computation.